Thursday, January 14, 2010


my birthday is coming soon! i mean it's coming really really really pretty soon!
=DDD im so effin happy!
i hope it's coming very soon but dont over too fast.become 48 hours at that day!=D
pressie pressie! lol
i'm gonna date my babesss out on that day! ly ly!=D

Friday, January 8, 2010

IDK why when i suceessful uploaded my picture,i cant see my picture at here!i only can see all the frigging alien words.and this kinda like this DSAGRDSHGFJURYGFEWABHYERYBSNREWDRHArEAG.
freaking hate it!! i cant even add the caption under my picture. pfffftt.wts.what's the problem?
well,it's kinda been a long time since the last time i had updated my blog.
so now i have to upload the pictures during the holidays outing! =DD not all but just a lil cause cant sit infront of the computer too long.
and school life is started!a hectic life is also started as in we are in the spm year.sighs.alright.i will study there will be less outing with my babesss.)= AND AND AND my birthday is coming soon! hope all my wishes may come true!=D
AND i love my padini life alot!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

sl babbbeeee
i have updated my blog d!!
sohai babessss